Friday, February 26, 2021




 In Flushing Meadows Park 

Three observational towers

Remain from the 1964 World's Fair

The same year the home  of the

NY Mets opened

Now only plaques in a parking lot

Mark where Shea stadium once stood

Back then when the World's Fair arrived

 You could take the "Skystreak" capsule elevator

And quickly get to the top tower

226 Feet

Where you could observe 

Weather permitting 

New Jersey


The Atlantic Ocean

And much of Long Island

So says the official guide  

Which you could have bought at the Fair

For only one dollar

The middle tower was for


Seeing how Coca-Cola had its own

Tower at the Fair

I will assume there was

Plenty of Coke to be bought

The shortest tower was reserved 

For VIP's to relax

Or as the official guide puts it

"A lounge for visiting dignitaries"

For the longest time these towers 

Were left to decay 

 Along with the Tent of Tomorrow

Where there was a floor map of New York State

Made of terrazzo thanks to the 

Generosity of the Texaco Oil Company 

(When it  was accessible  to visitors 

I danced around  with friends

In the large open space one glorious night)

Now workers are busy 

Repairing the The New York State pavilion 

Seems if you hang around long enough

They either tear you down

Or rehabilitate you



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