Saturday, February 13, 2021



It was just going to be a cheap meal

And some relaxing talk

My wife 

My Friend

And I

Went to the Blue Bay Diner

In Fresh Meadows

My wife wanted to sit 

Somewhere in the back

But there was a free table 

In the front

So we took it

A few minutes after we settled in

While looking through the menu

A man walked in with a sawed-off shotgun

He pointed it at the cashier 

Who lifted his hands up in the air

A manager came over and started to

Open the register and give the robber  

The money inside

My wife started to reach 

In her pocket to take money out

But my friend and I told her not 

To do anything

 When you are going through this

Experience it really seems

Like you are in a movie set

You understand the danger you

Are in except you can't make sense of it

Is this really happening?

What's going to happen next?

Am I going to lose my life for a burger?

As these thoughts were racing through my head

The robber got the money and took off

The cashier kept his hands up


The manager who had kept his 

Cool told him he could put them down

We stayed and ordered our meal

 I got a salad


  1. In a few lines you conjure up two extreme positions - the utter despair of knowing you could die at any moment with the utter relief of the mundane... ordering a salad! And it makes us value the mundane... eating a salad after all you have been through is the biggest blessing!
    Excellent story telling!

  2. Such great storytelling!
    Even in the aftermath of being in a terrifying environment, life goes on.. That's resiliency.
