Tuesday, February 16, 2021




I came to see if the railing

Was still there

The railing next to the exit

Where they let us out 

From elementary school

I was in 3-3 

Mrs. Hayes class

Having arrived in 

The United States in April

At the age of eight

They placed me in second grade

But I complained  that it was too easy

So my father went to the school

We met with the principal

And they put me in the higher grade

For some reason which is not clear

Maybe because I was a newcomer

The kids took an instant disliking to me

And after school they would

Try to beat me up

My parents worked so I was on my own

A latchkey kid

I would've been dead meat 

Except I had a secret weapon

My cousin Alan

Who was a few grades higher than me

It was him who I remember holding off the 

Horde of kids from my class 

Who were solely dedicated

To making my life hell

I don't remember any teachers 

Or any other adults intervening

Maybe they did but they have 

Been wiped out of my memory

I just see my cousin valiantly

Taken them all on

Next to the railing

That is still there today

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