Friday, April 23, 2021




Sometimes you were lucky

By pushing in the small slot 

At the bottom of the payphone

Where the coin would drop

If the number wouldn't go through

You could find a quarter

But you'd settle for a nickel or a dime

The few payphones still around today

Are now relics of the pre-cellphone era

When we were truly wireless

A call meant something

It had to be important for you to spend

Money and if the call was 

Really important you had to keep

Looking desperately for more coins

To put in to keep the call going

The worse thing would be getting cut off

In the middle of a sentence

Most teenagers have never even used a payphone

They can't imagine that world

We also have a tough time imagining theirs

The funny thing is now that we all have

A phone we can use anytime anywhere

We mostly choose to forgo

The intimacy of the voice

And text instead


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