Friday, June 11, 2021





On the metal table next to the truck

Full of whole watermelons

Parked on 108th Street 

Were a variety of watermelons

Cut into quarters and halves

Several of the pieces displayed

Captured my imagination 

Because of their unusual  color

Turns out the first watermelons 

Grown in Africa over 5000 years ago

Were actually yellow

Over the years through

Selective cross-breeding

And an increased level of lycopene 

A plant nutrient  which gives

Fruits and vegetables their red hue

Watermelons gradually became 

The pinkish-red we all know well

Yellow watermelons however 

Have a healthy dose of 

Vitamins A and C

And what they lack in the antioxidant

Benefits of lycopene 

They make up in beta carotene

For fifteen dollars

My wife and I bought an entire one

Which the man selling them

Cut in half for us

It didn't last long in the fridge

The golden watermelon was sweet and delicious

On a hot humid day

Everything you could ask for


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