Monday, March 29, 2021



Not that anyone is counting

But there are over 120 cherry blossom trees

In Flushing Meadows-Corona Park

Every year the Japanese American Association of New York

Plants a new tree with seeds originating in Japan

With the blooming of the cherry trees

The world becomes more colorful

And we can say officially

We are in spring

Saturday, March 27, 2021



A funny thing happened to me 

In Flushing Meadows-Corona Park 

I ran into a thirty foot column

From the Greco-Roman city of Gerasa

Now the Jordanian city of Jerash

Which is over 5700 miles away

The column was a gift presented by the King of Jordan

For the 1964/65 World's Fair

The marble column with a Corinthian capital on top

Dates from 120 C.E. 

Once thought to be one of the so-called 

Whispering Columns of the Temple of Artemis

In 2015 further archaeological research concluded it was not 

Nevertheless it spoke loud and clear

But apparently only to me

As the center of the attention was on the nearby soccer game 

So I had this ancient wonder all to myself 

Who built it?

How long did it take?

We'll probably never know those secrets

What's telling though is after

 Almost two thousand years

The Column of Jerash 

Still maintains a majestic quality 

Some age better than others

Monday, March 22, 2021



Size matters

At least for some

When it comes to their TV

They want it to dominate

Whatever room they place it in

A center of attention


All 77 inches

In OLED(whatever that means)  

Creating a"True Cinematic Experience"

(Possibly for those who have never

been to an actual movie theater)

As the Neanderthals who had 

Bigger brains than humans

Can attest 

Bigger is not necessarily better

Sunday, March 21, 2021



In the 1930's when the Great Depression hit 

FDR's New Deal programs took effect

The Works Progress Administration 

Under the supervision of Robert Moses built 

Astoria pool and the 32-Foot High Dive

Where the US Olympic trials were held

In 1936 1952 and 1964

After years of disrepair the diving pool

Has been turned into an amphitheater

While that's better than leaving the place neglected

I am left wondering why we ever 

Abandoned the high dive

Too risky

Too dangerous

Seems to me the training and discipline

Involved in taking the plunge from such

Heights is something we should be aspiring to

Not shying away from

But then again I'm a lousy swimmer





Saturday, March 20, 2021




On the first day of spring in 2021

I went to Flushing Meadows Park

To look for the Westinghouse time capsules

Actually the time capsules are fifty feet underground

In 1965 when the World's Fair ended

They placed a seven thousand pound 

Granite monument to show where 

The time capsules are buried

And that's what I was searching for

I had a picture of a map telling me

Approximately where the monument was located 

In a part of the park I don't normally walk through

Which is why I had never noticed it before

When I reached the destination

I saw two teenagers sitting on one of the benches

Surrounding the monument talking and laughing

The girl was stroking the boy's hair

Quietly I took my pictures of the round structure

With engravings outlining the history of the time capsules

As a testament to the accomplishments of the twentieth century

In 1938 and 1965

Materials were deposited into time capsules


Seventy-five different types of fabrics

A pack of unfiltered Camel cigarettes 

A Sears Roebuck catalog

A Harper's magazine

A quote handwritten by Albert Einstein

A Beatles record

Also a microfilm with over 

Seven hundred and fifty thousand signatures 

(Originally a book which if you attended the World's Fair in 1964 or 65 you could've signed and gotten a pin stating your name was entering the time capsule)

After taking my pictures I left the young couple to themselves

I sat on a rock a short distance away

Facing the Grand Central Parkway

As the cars traveling East and West passed me by

I couldn't help but make the connection between 

The time capsules (which will be dug up 

In the year 6939 and the contents

Shared with the people of the seventh millennium)

And the puppy love of the boy and girl

Who will more than likely forget their

Carefree day spent

Next to the granite monument intended to last 

For thousands of years

Thursday, March 18, 2021




A mosaic needing restoration

By SalvadorDali

Can be seen and stepped on

Next to the massive and secure

US Open tennis complex

In Flushing Meadows-Corona Park

Salvador Dali designed a pavilion

For the 1939 World's Fair

Which he titled: "Dream of Venus" 

He went all-out creating

A surrealist wonder of erotic images

His intention was to display a replica of Botticelli's Venus 

With a head of a fish at the entrance to the pavilion 

Except the organizers of the fair said no fish head for you

Dali protested by writing a pamphlet :

"Declaration of the Independence of the Imagination and the Rights of Man to His Own Madness"

Several months later the world was at war

A much too real nightmare

Even Dali couldn't imagine

Wednesday, March 17, 2021



Took a pandemic for us

To begin reimagining our city streets

Instead of primarily catering to cars

We reclaimed spaces for outdoor dining 

(Would be nice if more of the places constructed allowed for fresh air)

What's the saying?

"Necessity is the mother of invention."

Sunday, March 14, 2021




Behind the athletic field of Forest Hills High School

And next to a truck stop

A patch of grass has been turned into a garden

Where different types of crops are grown

 I am curious who came up

With this great idea

Many times when I pass by 

I see people tending the garden

Sometimes an entire family

 In the summer some Sundays

The volunteer gardeners or farmers

Get together and share stories and food

You may think the creation of this garden

Is a small thing

But it goes a long way to making

A neighborhood feel like a home

Thursday, March 11, 2021



I passed by a truck filled with fallen leaves

The last collection before spring arrives

The great cycle of life

In with the new 

Out with the old

Saturday, March 6, 2021




I usually walk with my friend John 

Around Forest Hills High School

Each lap is something like a half a mile

We usually do two laps

Sometimes four

As I was waiting for him to meet me in the little sitting area

Belonging to the apartment building where I live

I began observing a nearby tree which looked bare

Except for a few budding leaves at the end of its branches 

A welcomed sign on a blustery cold day in early March 

That spring was preparing to appear

We walked together to the high school

Did our usual stretching exercises

In the middle of the fourth lap 

I noticed a truck parked by the side of the road

Loaded with containers of lumber displaying 

Made in the USA

And an idyllic name

Pleasant River

Like the cans of Campbell soup 

Made famous by Andy Warhol

The identical boxes of Pleasant River lumber 

Seemed to me an  interesting Pop Art design

So I took out my iPhone 6 and snapped a photo

When I got home and saw the picture

I wondered if the Pleasant River lumber comes 

From trees specifically grown

For commercial  purposes   

Which made me question why some trees 

Get to live out their natural life

In grassy areas kept neat for apartment dwellers

While the fate of other trees are sealed from birth

Thursday, March 4, 2021



In Kissena Park there is a memorial

For those of Queens

Who died in the Korean War

The history books tell us  

The Korean War lasted from 1950 to 1953

Over one million and a half American males

From the ages of 21 to 29

Were drafted into the military 

In the front  of the memorial

There is a soldier in full battle gear

Holding a rifle marching on

In the back 

A  plaque with four columns of names 

Names of young men who did not return home alive

How strange it must have been for them

Leaving the neighborhoods they grew up in

Transported to a distant place

Caught up in a dispute many of them knew nothing about

They sometimes refer to the Korean War

As the "Forgotten War"

Certainly the families 

Of the 172 young men from Queens listed on the plaque 

Would not agree

Wednesday, March 3, 2021



In the private streets of Forest Hills Gardens 

Where you need special stickers 

To park your car or you get booted

Which will cost you a $180.00 fee

For the pleasure of getting un-booted

They have their own “Harwich Port blue” lamp posts

With wrought iron streetlights attached on top

One may consider this elitist

Although I must say the effect is quite charming

Especially the design of a sundial on a pedestal

Kept company by trees on either side

Most importantly when it starts to get dark

The light that emits from these unique street lamps

Can be enjoyed by all who pass by

Free of charge

Tuesday, March 2, 2021



My brother-in-law the other day

Was telling me how he moved 

From Manhattan fifty years ago

Into a house next to a small church

One block off Corona Avenue

So much has changed in the neighborhood since then

Charming old dwellings are turned into concrete monstrosities

Of four or five floors

Some may call this progress

And  while the church through the years 

May have different names and denominations

The building remains intact

Although I am not religious 

There is something comforting in knowing that

Most likely in another fifty years or so 

When someone visits the area my brother-in-law lived in

They'll find many more changes and in the midst 

Will still be the same small church 

One block off  Corona Avenue 

Monday, March 1, 2021




Passing by this building on Northern Boulevard

You might be wowed by the architecture

Flushing Town Hall  was constructed

In 1862 in a Romanesque Revival style 

Which was popular during the Civil War

With arched windows and spires 

It is a work of art

The history of the building is also impressive

Recruits for the Civil War signed up here

The Great Emancipator Frederick Douglass

Presented a speech in 1865

The showman P.T. Barnum along with

General Tom Thumb displayed

Their theatrical  wonder in the auditorium

 This was a place designed for the community

To have fun

To learn 

To engage in civic duty

One Hundred Fifty Nine years later

Flushing Town Hall still stands 

Still playing an important

Part in the cultural life of the community

Very few building(if any) are built  in such a way today

Built to last

Built to serve the interests of the people

Why aren't there Town Halls

Like this in every neighborhood?

Imagine the impact  such a place would have?

Instead we shoddily put up more stores

More office buildings

More places for people to sleep and eat

And almost no enduring places 

For us to think